RSU23 Content
Kristine Maturo

Kristine Maturo

What I do

I am the mother of two boys. I enjoy spending time with my family. I love watching them play football and basketball. I support their various activities by participating in fundraisers and being an active member of the booster clubs. In my spare time, I enjoy playing pickle ball and going to karate class and earned my fourth degree black belt from Villari’s in 2018. Much to the chagrin of my co-workers, I am an enthusiastic Yankee and Dolphin Fan!

I have worked in the Old Orchard Beach School System since 2001. I am currently an Interventionist / Instructional Coach at Jameson School. I have served in many different capacities at Jameson School. Among those positions were Title 1 reading and math, Reading Recovery, and first grade teacher, but I spent most of my years as a kindergarten teacher.

I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University in 1990 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education. I continued on with my education earning a Master of Science Degree in Elementary Education.